
18-02-2025 Vol 19

Sanders Wins in New Hampshire.

Bernie Sanders, a Senator from Vermont, barely won the crucial primary in New Hampshire yesterday. This will consolidate his support from left leaning liberals and Democrats while demeaning charges by moderate rival candidates that he is too left leaning to be the party candidate for president. He is now considered to be the leading contender for the Democratic Party nomination this summer.

Democratic Party leaders in Manchester, New Hampshire, say that Sanders was able to best Buttigieg because of the large campaign donations that have been coming in during the past month. He has amassed nearly double the amount of funding of the other Democratic candidates still in the race. One of his most notable coups during the New Hampshire caucuses was his complete domination of television advertising, based out of Boston, where most of New Hampshire receives it regional news. This cost several million dollars, at the least. 

In a hotly contested field, Sanders was able to gather 29 percent of the delegate votes. And while this does not officially make him the party candidate, it is a clear showing that the Vermont Senator has the organization needed to stay on top in other crucial states like South Carolina, New York, and California.

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