What College Doesn’t Teach You About Money

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Universities all over the United States are charging hundreds of thousands of dollars for young adults to get degrees. With that being said, many still come out not knowing how to do their taxes on how to get a mortgage. It’s impossible to learn what a federal tax is if the basics are never taught

In most colleges, there are no requirements to take accounting for finance. If someone majors in fine art or engineering, they will most likely never take classes that educate on retirement plans. Well, how does this affect the economy and world in the long run? Ken Kurson, a University of Chicago alum, has written books on how to stay savvy with money. He mentions topics that relate to car insurance, student loans, credit card debt, and many other fears young adults have to face. His goals are to help those in a financial struggle and gain more knowledge on financial literacy. A lot of first-generation students have hardships paying for school. Kurson emphasizes how to be financially dependent should start being taught in high school. That way, more students are financially responsible and best prepared to contribute to the American economy. Ken Kurson wrote a book named, Leadership, which was a New York Times bestseller. For many years, this book was a staple to have. He also published the Green Magazine Guide To Personal Finance A No Bs Book For Your Twenties And Thirties. This gives students a well-versed explanation of what basic financial responsibility looks like. Each university has a Bursar or Finical Aide office. Kurson urges students to go once they get on campus and get resources from those offices to aide them in any decision making. Applying for scholarships is also very important and should be more well known. Overall, colleges need revenue too. They gain from those who are unsure of themselves financially. It’s always important to be aware of costs, be more financially literate, and ask universities questions.