When you feel it is time to give your child their first cell phone, you want to do it well. You want to get the right phone and make sure they are ready to take care of it. Below are some tips on what to do when giving them their first phone.
Give It To Them When They Are Mature Enough
Your child doesn’t have to reach a specific age to be mature enough to have a cell phone but you can determine if the timing is right. Give them a phone when they are younger or older than most of their peers who have one. Choose when you think the timing is right so that you will trust them with it.
Help Them Choose The Apps They Can Use
Guide your child when you give them the phone. Help them get it set up and show them which apps they can use and what you all expect them to do on it. This will keep them safe online.
Teach Responsibility With A Prepaid Phone
It may be best to get a prepaid phone for your child. With it, you can teach them responsibility as they will not want to quickly use up their talk, text, and data. They will be aware of how much they are on the phone and that will keep them from overusing it.
Tell Them Why You Are Giving It To Them
Before you give a phone to your child, let them know why you are doing that and why you think now is good timing for it. Tell them if you believe they are mature enough for this. Tell them your expectations from them for the phone and when they can use it and when they should put it away.
Give Them The Right Phone
When picking out a cell phone for your child, you want to know that it is the right one. Not only is it good to get on the right plan like a prepaid one, but you will also want to make sure that the phone is not too expensive but will still work well. As long as the phone is sturdy, you can get a simple smartphone that will allow them to use a few apps and won’t be too worried about it breaking.
Make Sure They Always Care For It Well
Teach your child all the ways that they need to care for their phone. Teach them when to charge it and where to put it when they are at school. Help them learn how to care for it well from the moment you give it to them so that they will always keep it in good condition.
Use these tips to feel good about how things go when you give your child their first phone. When you get the right phone, a good plan, and teach your child how to care for it, you won’t have anything to worry about. They will love their new phone and you can trust them to do what is right with it.