A Look at How Metrology is Used in Today’s Society

A Look at How Metrology is Used in Today's Society

Metrology is the study of measuring physical properties. It began as an ancient science, and it has been growing in importance in recent decades because of the advances in technology. Metrology can be used to measure everything from water quality to energy production. In addition to its many applications, metrology has also been used to create standards and guidelines for many different industries.

Automotive and Aerospace Industries

Automotive and aerospace industries use metrology to ensure that their products are working correctly. Metrology is used to test engines, brakes, and other parts of cars and planes. It also is used to measure the amount of fuel that a car or plane uses. Aerospace companies use metrology to measure the strength of materials they use in their aircraft.

Automation and Measuring Systems

Automation and measuring systems use metrology to make things operate properly. Medical devices, remote controls, safety systems, and even programmable home thermostats are automated by number systems. Measuring devices are found in just about every manufacturing facility, operating plants, and a host of other places. An automatic rice boiler could not work without the calibration of temperature sensors.

Electricity Generation

Electricity is one product from which metrology has derived different standards. As of 2012, an international body affiliated with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) called IEC 60060 set standards for measurement uncertainty for vital safety-related probing regimes for electricity generation at different sources. They calculate this uncertainty because they are interested in ensuring that the current generated in the generating facilities can represent a reliable source of safe, competitive energy. One of the main concerns with electricity generation is the future availability of fossil fuels. Society may eventually develop sustainable alternative sources for energy. If that happens, power generation standards may also become more widely adopted.

Medical Care

Medical care consists of many components that measure and make improvements each day. For example, sports medicine uses metrology to track injuries in athletes before doctors can begin to treat them for injuries or illnesses. Professional baseball teams use metrology to determine if a player uniformed has been made correctly and ensure that the measurements are the same from one game to the next. These measurements are also used in automotive manufacturing, radar technology, semiconductor chips, and other electronics industries.

Marine Industry and Homeland Security

Marine industry uses metrology to maintain downtime to alleviate davit and anchor systems, crane and other onboard equipment, fasteners for the hull of ships, hatchwork and ladders fittings developments, and ship repairs. Homeland Security has a much larger application due to proper measuring unique types of materials. AirSense monitors that determine gas mixture proportion. Also, these types of metrology are used in various general industries such as Air carriers, buses manufacturing, and packaging, heating petroleum.

The role of metrology in every aspect of our lives is as needed with rapidly advancing technology. The increase in demand for precision and accuracy demands all sectors to work smarter, achieve higher quality, and reduce costs. Metrology is affecting government departments and becoming increasingly popular in our communities. Professional organizations and trades are helping so that businesses achieve higher performance levels, improved productivity, and employee satisfaction.