What Should Be Known About FAR Part 135 Training?

FAR means Federal Aviation Regulations. As a result, FAR Part 135 is a certification program that is mandatory in some specific situations. The big problem is common people do not know much about it. They will see the certification listed when they blook a charter and simply dismiss it as of no real interest. For the charter companies though, FAR Part 135 training is mandatory. It is required by law and has to be in place for operations to even be possible.

Different FAR Part 135 Operator Types

Based on the indications of the FAA, 4 different scopes exist for Part 135 operations. They are:

Part 135 – Single Pilot

The single-pilot operator is a holder of the certificate and becomes limited to the use of a single pilot during operations. The pilot will be listed by name, together with the certification number on the Operations Specification issued by the FAA.

When another pilot is used except the one listed, it is illegal. Operators have to provide HazMat training programs and designate management officials who will be responsible for the control of operations.

Part 135 – Single (PIC) Pilot In Command

One PIC operator is listed as the certificate holder and can use up to 3 SIC (Second In Command) pilots for all the Part 135 operations. SIC(s) and PIC are listed with their certification number and name.

As a certificate holder, you are authorized to only use the pilots in the listed specific duty positions. You cannot use anyone that is not listed in the duty positions.

The single PIC holder is limited when it comes to operation scope and aircraft size. Only aircrafts with under 10 passenger seats are included and operations are currently limited to the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, and United States.

Part 135 Basic

The certificate holder has some specific limitations:

  • A maximum of 5 pilots (this includes SICs)
  • No more than five aircrafts will be used
  • A maximum of 3 different aircraft types
  • Can only operate in the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, and United States
  • Category II and Category III instrument operations are possible

Standard Part 135

The certificate holder has no pre-set limits when referring to operation scope and available size. A standard Part 135 operator needs to maintain and develop training programs, manuals, and required management positions.

Is It Important What FAR Part 135 Operator Flies You?

The short answer to this question is yes.

When the operator is small and does not have many airplanes or pilots, more challenges appear when pilots get sick or devices are broken. When booking on-demand charters, you end up paying differences for last-minute re-quotes and more, unless you are covered by insurance. You might even have to pay for your new flight as you are waiting for the refund to be issued.

When you buy jet cards, there is a service recovery policy in place. You need to read this document since different terms might exist.

With the use of the Basic FAR Part 135 and Standard Part 135 certificates, the single-pilot operator can just hire a specific number of pilots. It can be difficult to recover trips when one gets sick.