
21-01-2025 Vol 19

The Benefits of GPS Fleet Tracking for your Small Business

Owning a small fleet is not a piece of cake. Having a small fleet also means having a limited budget and fewer people working for you. Solutions like GPS tracking simplify your work and make it easier to handle. With a GPS tracking device, you can unlock access to countless features and data points that help you streamline the fleet’s operations. Why do you need a GPS tracker? Keep reading to find out. 

What Challenges Can a Small Fleet Owner Face?

Owning a small fleet means you have fewer vehicles to track and manage. While that reduces your workload, you will still face problems and challenges similar to the owners of a big-sized fleet. Some of the challenges are listed below for you. 

Earning Enough Revenue 

Making enough money to balance your income with expenses is the number one issue for most fleet managers. Maintenance of vehicles and payment of drivers can incur a heavy price and can be a tough challenge to overcome for some fleet managers. 

Decreasing Driver Turnovers

Retaining drivers for your fleet is another common issue. Low turnovers are expected to continue for a good time. You must retain drivers as they form the core of your fleet. The decreasing driver turnover is a challenging fleet struggle to cope with, especially in the post covid era. 

Adjusting to New Regulations 

With the government bringing in new regulations, it is difficult for fleets to adjust to these changes. They are not used to these new rules, which makes compliance a challenge- it can be tough to ensure that all drivers in your fleet stay compliant with the ELD mandate. 

Facing these challenges is not an easy task. Small or large, management and compliance are common issues that all fleets face. 

However, there is a simple fix to these problems- telematics solutions like GPS tracking software and ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices). 

These devices help your fleet stay compliant with the rules mandated by the state. These tools are helpful for all fleets alike. You can understand your operations better. It can take some work off you, making your job easier! For example, some telematics devices generate automatic data reports, saving you a lot of manual paperwork, time, and money.

How Will GPS Tracking Help Your Fleet?

GPS tracking has become an essential part of transportation and fleet management over the last few years. Why is that? We have listed a few ways a small fleet tracking device will be an asset to your fleet. 

Real-time Tracking

GPS tracking solutions allow you to watch your fleet virtually in real-time. This real-time visibility is important- you now know where your fleets are at any given moment. Real-time tracking is a godsend in the event of an emergency or accident. With live location features, you know where the vehicle is and how to get there. 

Customized Geofences 

A Geofence is a designated area on a map. With GPS trackers, you can customize geofences for your fleet at the drag and drop of a pin on your screen. It’s that simple! By setting these borders, you can also ensure that your fleet will always be where it’s supposed to be. If it ever steps out, you will get an instant alert. It can be of great use during vehicle theft or unauthorized use of vehicles. 

Lesser Fuel Costs 

With route detours and idling time, your fleet may yield thousands of hours of fuel wastage. The eight-hour daily truck haul generates enough fuel cost, and if you can avoid the extra waste, then why not? Fleets can save more than $6000 worth of fuel by reducing their idling time (according to the Environmental Protection Agency). That is a lot of money saved. 

Some GPS devices offer Fuel Reports- generating reports that tell you exactly how much fuel is spent. Some also give idling alerts to save time and demonstrate how much idling takes place. Make use of these trackers for these purposes to save both time and money. 

No HoS Violations 

Compliance with Hours of Service (HoS) by all drivers falling under its purview is a must. Moreover, violation of HoS rules can even cost you your license! With a GP, you will always know how long your driver has been working and for how many hours. Drivers will receive alerts if they draw close to a violation through their smartphones. The drivers also become aware and help them steer clear of any violations. Even the dispatchers receive alerts when drivers are nearing a break or the end of a shift. 

Creating Optimized Routes 

Locating your vehicle is not the only benefit GPS tracking offers you. With a GPS tracker, you can determine what routes are best suited for the job. It helps you identify which driver should go where. You can send the closest drivers to the delivery location without accidentally calling the one who’s the furthest because you now know exactly where all your drivers are. It makes planning very efficient and also saves fuel costs. 

Driver Safety

Many telematics devices also record activities such as harsh braking and overspeeding. These add-in features and services help you monitor the behavior of your fleet as well. These GPS trackers give immediate alerts when it detects volatile activity. Some GPS devices also come with instant messaging features, allowing you to communicate during an emergency. 

A GPS tracking device is an asset to your fleet, irrespective of the size. It keeps your driver and your vehicles safe and gives you a lot of control over your fleet. 

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