It can be tempting while you’re young to ignore the future and to spend all your money now on living in the moment. However, age catches up with us all and because of things like compounding interest, the choice you make now can have a considerable influence on the rest of your life. I suggest starting small and making smart financial choices, a gentle habit that you slowly increase as time goes on. Keep reading to learn my top 3 tips for planning for your financial future.
1. Start Small
If you’re currently saving $0 per month, starting with something small like even $50 a month is better than nothing. Sometimes it’s just about establishing the habit and changing your focus a little. You can slowly increase it each month until you’re reaching your goal. The younger you are, the more time is on your side so you can save less and end up with more in a few decades. If you’re older, you might want to be more aggressive with how much you save, but of course how much you can set aside will be very much dependent on your expenses and income. Check out Brock White Canada for more ideas.
2. Side Hustle
One of the best ways to help your financial future is to create another income stream. If there’s anything the pandemic has taught us, it’s that things can change in the blink of an eye. Having an extra income stream will ensure that you have more financial security should anything change. It also gives you extra money each month you can throw into your investments, into savings, or set aside for a rainy day. There are so many different types of side hustles you can start, from working remotely, to creating your own blog. Check out for some great camera tips.
3. Consider Life Insurance
What would happen to your family if you died tomorrow? It’s a morbid thought, but it’s something we have to consider. Life insurance can serve as a financial buffer so that your friends and family can grieve the loss of you without worrying about how they’re going to cover your mortgage and feed your kids. Choosing life insurance can be a little intimidating picking the right one, so be sure to shop around. Check out the best insurance broker oakville.
Don’t be intimidated about starting to focus on your financial future. Small changes over the course of a lifetime can result in a big difference. Make sure you have life insurance to give yourself that extra peace of mind that financial security brings.