
12-02-2025 Vol 19

3 Ways Technology is Used in a Wastewater Treatment Facility

A water treatment facility needs to run efficiently to process wastewater and ensure there are no clogs are other major issues with the waste water. Over the years, these facilities have only improved thanks to better and more efficient technology. Check out three interesting ways technology is used in a wastewater treatment facility and learn some of the benefits this technology provides.

1. Automation

When dealing with wastewater, sludge and sediment can build up in a treatment tank and cause issues. When a facility implements intelligent automation technology, the tanks will automatically open up to discharge those elements and keep the process running smoothly.

You do not need someone to constantly monitor the process or manually deal with the drain valves. AI technology can detect these issues before they happen and lessen any delays in the wastewater treatment.

Once installed and running, the automation will run itself and really help streamline operations in a wastewater plant. Operation managers will receive alerts and status updates from the AI when needed. The managers can also check on the AI tech at any time and request specific updates on the process.

The technology may get integrated into the current system, but could also have its own software app for monitoring. For example, a tablet app allows inspectors to load up the automation software and see a log of processes along with the current system state.

2. Dissolved Air Flotation

Another form of technology found in waste water plants is dissolved air flotation (DAF) or better known as dissolve air flotation. This type of tech works to separate oils from the water.

When technology applies DAF to the wastewater, the oils will separate and naturally float to the surface. From there, a skimmer can separate the water so the water is not contaminated from the mixture of oils.

The DAF process can run consistently on wastewater to ensure full oil separation, especially as new wastewater enters the facility. The DAF technology often works with other wastewater treatment options. This includes technology to get sludge and sediment out of tanks so wastewater can drain properly.

3. Camera Technology

Monitors for water levels and automated technology is common at a wastewater facility, but visual inspections can also help ensure a facility runs smoothly. One of the best ways to have a complete overview of a facility is with advanced camera technology.

Camera monitors can showcase different angles of wastewater facilities including tanks. In some cases, tanks may include underwater cameras to monitor drain valves and other important areas.

Camera technology may include advanced features like motion detection or heat-sensitive cameras that showcase different temperatures. All of these elements combine to create a system that works efficiently and allows someone to monitor the facility from a monitor room rather than constantly walking around the tanks.

With all of the technology in one place, a wastewater plant can run smoothly and minimize the amount of issues along the way. Preventing problems is the best way to keep a facility moving smoothly.

John Maxwell