
23-01-2025 Vol 19

How to Keep Your Content Marketing Campaigns Fresh and Free of Too Much Repetition

The marketing team at any company is going to get to a point where they feel like they have covered all relevant topics. Keeping content fresh on the company blog and via offsite marketing is imperative. Stale content can drive traffic away from a website even if a person was a loyal reader in the past. 

Use Holiday Themed Content 

Holiday content might seem like something that saturates an industry but it can be a great way to rehash an old topic in a new way. Creating a title for a dental practice like “12 Days of Dental Health” that highlights holiday oral health tips is a perfect example. Themed content can attract people as there are usually clever ways a writer incorporates the holiday into the piece. Taking the time to sit down with staff to brainstorm ideas can generate ideas quickly. Not all ideas will be great but hash out those that do. 

Long-Form Content Can Help Drive Backlinks and Organic Traffic

The creation of content needs to be done in a variety of ways. Short-form content is relatively effective although long-form content tends to attract traffic over time. Content could be in podcast form as creating long-form content is far easier via a  podcast rather than an eBook or series of articles. The right guests on a podcast can make for engaging content that also includes the guest’s viewership. Outreach for these guests has to be done and could cost the company marketing budget. Others guests will not charge but rather will request to regularly contribute to the blog to promote their services/products. 

Email outreach to share this type of content is going to be of paramount importance. The right share on an online publication can lead to a post going viral or attracting a decent amount of traffic. Being able to have a few pieces of content that are picked up by larger publications can account for a major part of digital marketing for the year. 

Update Content That Has Garnered Immense Traffic in the Past 

One of the best resources that you will have is the old content you have created. You can always update this content to make it relevant for today’s events. Reposting this content can help an older piece regain interest and potential backlinks. Columns that are updated weekly can create loyal readers quite easily in a matter of weeks. The column has to be authored by someone that is not only interesting but also entertaining. A law firm handling content marketing might have one of their attorneys answering common questions. This can help build rapport between the readers and the law firm. 

Ask Readers What Type of Topics They’d Like to See 

Asking readers what they would like to see can be the perfect way to generate new ideas. Seeing trends in requests can make it extremely easy to pick a topic that multiple readers want covered. Creating surveys for content can be a great tactic to gather potential titles for the blog. 

Content marketing can stay interesting with a focus on keeping content fresh. Do not underestimate the value of covering a topic from a completely different perspective.
